On the 22nd of October 2014 the CyHRMA in collaboration with the Cyprus University of Technology organized a lecture for the University students titled “Effective Presentations”. The lecture speaker was Dr. Cathrin Lazarou-Kitteni, Lecturer, School of Business, European University Cyprus.
The lecture purpose was to give participants information on Planning, Organizing and Implementing effective presentations that have the maximum positive impact on the audience. The presentation focused on and analyzed the main ingredients of a successful presentation. In conjunction to presentations, the lecturer provided useful tips on how to have successful interviews. The participants were taken through the various stages of resourcing i.e. advertisements, CV writing as well as being prepared for the job interview. Lastly, the benefits in terms of career building prospects of the various Erasmus+ programmes were briefly introduced.
More than 80 students attended the lecture and they had the opportunity at the end to resolve their queries in a Q & A session.