On 26th of November 2015, the Cyprus Human Resource Management Association participated in UCLan Cyprus’ Career Week. This action was within the scope of the CyHRMA’s collaboration with Academic Institutions, to support students and unemployed youth in entering the labour market. The Association participated in the following two sessions: “CV Clinic” and “Interview Skills” lecture.
The main presenter of the lecture “Interview Skills” was Mr Demetris Vassilakkas. Mrs Nastasia Michael also participated in the presentation having a supportive role. The presenters provided participants with some valuable tips to use when attending an interview, how to prepare for an interview, as well as to practise on attending a real interview.The audience comprised 20 students and most participants being in their 3rd year of a Law degree.Many of the students had the chance to broaden their awareness and felt more confident in succeeding in the interview process.
There was a lot of positive feedback at the end of the presentation both from the students and the coordinator Mrs Effie Christou, Senior Student Support Officer at UCLan.