
CV and Cover Letter Presentation

19 February 2014

In today’s world, where the unemployment rate is really high and the competition is rapidly increasing, it is essential that candidates have a very attractive CV and cover letter in order to stimulate the recruiter’s interest and attention. With this in mind, the CyHRMA in cooperation with the University of Cyprus, had organized a lecture on how candidates could prepare their CV and cover letter.

The lecturers gave participants tips and useful information for the best possible presentation of their CV so they could increase their possibility of being hired. It is perhaps a very surprising fact, but recruiters spend only 20 to 30 seconds reading through a CV! Therefore, having a well-structured, comprehensive and impressive CV these days is imperative!

During the presentation, 3 of the most popular and widely used types of CV were introduced to the audience. In addition, the lecturers gave further guidance on which type of CV is more appropriate for newly graduates which was the majority of the audience. Also, great tips were given to the participants on how to present their CV and what language to use considering that the appearance of their CV is also vital.

The main speakers of the lecture were: Liza Charalambous, HR Manager in the Internal Department of KPMG Cyprus and Anna Charalambidou, HR Manager of BDO Ltd, Cyprus.

CV and Cover Letter – Material/Presentation