


Ethics around adoption of new concepts among topics being discussed on International HR Day

 (Monday, May 20, 2024) The organisers of International HR Day say people professionals must ensure that ‘decent work and good jobs’ are delivered as workplaces adopt more technology and artificial intelligence tools than ever. The European Association for People Management (EAPM) use this day each year to celebrate how the HR and people profession, together with business, have a positive impact on working lives and business performance.

Championing ethical technology and AI integration is among four key topics that have been identified for the occasion this year, under the theme ‘Shaping the New Future’. The EAPM says HR professionals need to embed principles of transparency and ethical use in these areas, provide policies on appropriate use and ensure digitalisation boosts equality and inclusion, as well as enhanced employee autonomy and control.

The other topics being highlighted this year are:

  • Redefined future workplaces

Organisers say building a high trust culture and embedding equality, diversity and inclusion are the essence of good workplaces. Giving employees a voice, opening up flexible and hybrid work opportunities, addressing pay gaps and promoting wellbeing and work life balance are core to sustaining high performance and productivity, and supporting individuals to thrive.

  • Excellence in people leadership

HR workers are being reminded they have a professional responsibility to deliver ethical, people-centric and evidence-based decisions. They earn the trust of employees through empathy, authentic leadership and open communication channels. They should aim to develop leaders and managers to build inclusive workplaces where every person feels they can bring their authentic self to work every day.

  • Continuous investment in skills and education

As skills requirements change at a pace, building sustainable work means employees  and those in the labour market have opportunities to grow their knowledge and skills, improve productivity, be more employable and better off. The EAPM is highlighting the role of HR workers in engaging with organisations as they invest in upskilling employees and improving access to work and learning in the wider marketplace, especially marginalised groups and those whose jobs are at risk.

Berna Öztinaz became the first female President of the EAPM in 2024 and is also CHRO of Genel Energy Plc. Based in Turkey She says it’s important that HR professionals adapt to the changing technological environments in the workplace: “One of our core skills in the HR profession is change management and it has never been more relevant than over the past four years. Having transformed drastically to cope with enforced remote working, our next challenge is to find where AI and technology fit into the work we’ll be doing in the future. Our colleagues will be looking to us for guidance and we should be ready to help lead them on this journey”.

Maria Georgiou, President of the CyHRMA Board of Directors, sends the message:

May is a special month for all of us. On the 20th we are celebrating the International HR Day and on the 23rd we are hosting our Annual Conference. It’s a time to step back, reflect and celebrate our role, impact and contribution in the business context each one of us is operating in. It’s also time to focus on our own growth as well, looking into the current and future trends of our profession, AI, future workplace, wellbeing, skills focus to name a few. On the 14th of May the EAPM is hosting a virtual event with renowned speakers on such topics, giving everyone the opportunities to broaden our perspective and knowledge. Looking forward to connecting with you on the different activities of this month.

Alongside virtual and in-person events, the HR community will be using #InternationalHRDay across social media platforms to share their experiences. Full details of the event are at www.eapm.org


The European Association for People Management (EAPM) is a network association and the European body for human resource management. It forms a European umbrella body of national HR organisations and facilitates experience exchange without any profit-related objectives. It is purely professional and specialist in nature

(see https://www.eapm.org/ihrd/ for more info). 

How to celebrate International HR Day

International HR Day 2024 step challenge

This year International HR Day is celebrating it’s 5th anniversary! In 2019, the EAPM (European Association of People Management) on 20 May launched International HR Day to recognise and celebrate the people profession and HR professionals all over the world.

The EAPM forms a European umbrella body of national HR related organisations who share a commitment to the value of the people management profession in Europe and beyond.

With this challenge we invite you to join an international community, boost your wellbeing and improve the environment one step at a time. Let’s celebrate the positive impact of HR and business collaboration on working lives and performance now and in the future!

As we want to spread the word to the World, our Challenge goals are:

  • To reach 1 Million steps individually during the challenge period – just 7000 steps per day!
  • To walk around the World 100 times all together – this is 5000 Million steps combined.
  • The challenge will take 20 weeks (140 days) –20 May to 6 October.
  • Trees?

Upon completing this distance, you will be awarded a Virtual Challenge Diploma.

The most active participants will be announced during the Delegates Assembly Annual Meeting in Cyprus on 10 October 2024.

Let’s walk, celebrate and win!