

by Jacob Morgan – There once was a time where everything you needed to know for your career was taught to you by the educational institution you attended and the company you worked for. You would go get your four year bachelors degree in whatever topic and that information would stay with you for a little...
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by Shaila Khattar – One of the common issues faced by people is the inability to communicate effectively. Now, what does that even mean? Well, effective communication means that a person can share what they need, want and desire in a diplomatic way that generally does not upset others. And that is pretty much where it...
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Teams share the burden, and divide the grief.” – Doug Smith The corporate world’s answer to the growing challenges of business seems to be a whole room full of partners — that’s a Team. Although there have always been workplace teams, since the 1980’s their role in corporations has vastly increased. And although they can...
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by Randy Conley – Honor. Courage. Humility. Integrity. Loving. Fun. Hero. Those were the words used to describe Dan Hines at his memorial service last Tuesday. I didn’t know Dan that well, having met him just once, but those who knew him well, really knew him. By the stories told, the laughs shared, and the tears shed, it...
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by Richard Davis – Whether you are looking to hire someone, decide whether to trust someone, or enter a business partnership, the better you are at judging people, the better off you will be. Unfortunately, most people are just plain bad at reading others. Several decades of research among psychologists has indicated all sorts of blind spots,...
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by Stevan Rolls –    As the global economy emerges from the deepest financial crisis in living memory, organisations will be confronted by a range of challenges resulting from underlying demographic trends, technology innovations and changing expectations of work: The working population of many of the developed nations is forecast to drop or remain static over...
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by Ken Perlman – As a very lucky father of two girls, I feel that many of the lessons learned in fatherhood apply to change leadership. Here I share the parallels between building a complex LEGO set with my daughters and coaching my clients through transformational change. As my daughters and I tackled a three-day LEGO...
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by Kathy Caprino As a career coach to mid- and senior-level professionals, and in my former work as a therapist, I’ve come into contact with thousands of questions, concerns, mistakes and crossroads that emerge in people’s personal and professional lives.  Observing the long arc of many careers, I’ve noticed that the worst missteps – the ones...
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By David Creelman Secrets of Human-Capital Management Don’t fall in love with HRThe biggest trap for HR professionals is becoming immersed in the world of HR. If you read HR books, take HR courses and hang out with other HR specialists you may lose sight of the real needs of your business. This is a common...
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By Anthony K. Tjan A plethora of people, courses, and self-help guides profess to lead you by the hand to the promised land of business success. The problem is that things are always messier than the how-to’s make them out to be. This is why it is often better to consider less the specifics and more...
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