

By Michael Virardi I recently read a joke on LinkedIn that I would love to share with you! It was about a big corporation that hired several cannibals. “You are all part of our team now,” said the HR manager during the welcome briefing. “You get all the usual benefits and you can go to...
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by Steffen Maier Improve company culture and have a team full of happy, productive and passionate people. Some companies are revered for the way they keep employees engaged and passionate about their work. Here, we share with you five of the best organizations with the most engaged staff who go the extra mile, and share...
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Sometimes people come up to me and say: “Where is the human factor in HR analytics? You can not put a number on everything, in the end we are talking about people, right?” I really think we have to turn that around. I believe that you are forgetting the human factor if you are not applying analytics. Let me...
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από την Άντρια Αντωνιάδου – Ιδέες που θα αποτελέσουν προτίμηση, εφευρετικότητα στην επίλυση προβλημάτων, σύνθεση εμπειριών και ικανοτήτων, κριτική σκέψη στη λήψη αποφάσεων, ανάληψη λελογισμένων ρίσκων, γνησιότητα και αυθορμητισμό, είναι μόνο λίγες από τις έννοιες που οι σύγχρονες επιχειρήσεις μεταφράζουν σε κέρδος. Όσο ο ανταγωνισμός ενισχύεται, τόσο ο επιχειρηματικός κόσμος θα πρέπει όχι μόνο να προσαρμόζεται αλλά...
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by Ginny Whitelaw Anything we’re trying to make happen as a leader involves other people, and the fact is, most people don’t have to follow us. They don’t have to believe in our great ideas, buy our great products, or do what we want them to do. Even when we have authority—as parents of teenagers...
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by Rasmus Hougaard and Jacqueline Carter – You probably know the feeling all too well: You arrive at the office with a clear plan for the day and then, in what feels like just a moment, you find yourself on your way back home. Nine or 10 hours have passed but you’ve accomplished only a few...
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by Rick Gilmore – Against a business backdrop of confusion, flux and investigations into corporate scandals, a lot more fuss and noise is being made about the role and importance of company culture. Whatever you are experiencing culturally the intention of this post is to generate some fresh insights on why many do believe culture “eats strategy...
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by Hal Samuel – After years of international study, Danish workplaces continue to top polls and remain among the happiest in the world. What can we learn from their continued success? During the UN General Assembly in 2011, Jigme Thinley, the Prime Minister of Bhutan, offered to lead a panel discussion on the theme of happiness...
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by Richard Feloni – Google, despite its penchant for childlike imagery and playful work environments, is a massive global company with 60,000 employees and a market cap of $500 billion. In order to stay dominant, it needs top talent, and to maintain top talent, it needs to foster creative and productive teams. Following the success...
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by Sue Bingham If going to work feels like walking onto the set of “The Walking Dead,” leadership might be the cause of your office’s zombie apocalypse. Emphasizing the tasks you need employees to complete — instead of the end goals — can produce that effect. Traditional leaders are trained to be task-oriented. You manage, assign,...
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