

Deloitte Ονομασία Προγράμματος: OASYS HR Συνεντεύκτρια: Μαριάννα Ευσταθίου Συνεντευξιαζομένος: Κος Χριστάκης Θεμιστοκλή – Διευθυντής Υπηρεσιών Πληροφορικής της Deloitte 1. Σε ποια τμήματα της Διοίκησης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού μπορεί να παρέχει υπηρεσίες αυτό το πρόγραμμα; To OASYS ΗR δημιουργήθηκε από την ομάδα της Deloitte στην Κύπρο έχοντας υπόψη τις ανάγκες τόσο Κυπριακών όσο και διεθνών οργανισμών. Είναι μέρος μιας μεγαλύτερης...
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Cycom Name of Software: Cycom Human Resources System Interviewer: Nastasia Michael Interviewee: Mr. Akis Avraam – Managing Director of Cycom 1. What areas in Human Resources Management does this HR software cover? The Cycom Human Resources System is a system that has been designed to address all the human resources processes of a modern HR department. Recognizing and...
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Σε καιρούς όπου οι λέξεις «χρόνος», «κόστος» και «διαχείριση» αποτελούν για τις πλείστες εταιρείες κριτήρια επιβίωσης, η Διοίκηση Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού καλείται να αξιοποιήσει περισσότερο από ποτέ τις επιλογές που προσφέρουν τεχνολογικές προτάσεις. Τα λογισμικά συστήματα Διοίκησης Ανθρώπινου Δυναμικού προσφέρουν πληθώρα προτερημάτων που συμβάλλουν σημαντικά στη βέλτιστη επιχειρηματική απόδοση. Αυτοματοποιούν χρονοβόρες διοικητικές διαδικασίες, εξασφαλίζουν συμμόρφωση με...
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At beginning of 2015, the CyHRMA Research and International Relations Committee conducted the second Members Satisfaction Survey, with the scope to evaluate whether the members’ satisfaction level was as high as the first survey indicated in October 2013. We are sharing with you the results of this Survey, which was conducted between 29/01/2015 – 15/02/2015. 93 members provided...
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We are pleased to invite you to participate in the new Creating People Advantage survey and be part of the largest and longest-running global HR study – a collaboration between the World Federation of People Management Associations (WFPMA) and the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). The WFPMA is a global network representing more than 660,000 people management professionals around the world. Its...
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The War for Talent: Finding and Keeping Good People Your organisations’ success is determined by the performance of your people. Successful organisations are those that are winning the war for talent and who are able to link tools, systems, people and processes together. This will result to higher productivity levels, employees working at their peak,...
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Smooth and accelerated transition through Appreciative Coaching The world is changing faster than the organizations. Organizations in order to survive and prosper within an increasingly competitive business environment, they have to maximize their operational efficiency while at the same time they have to constantly improve the quality of their products and services. As a consequence,...
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Technology is gradually changing the way HR practitioners are approaching their operating models Surveys have shown that an increasing percentage of organizations use the Internet or Intranet to deliver HR services to employees. Global investment in HR technology and software is continuing to grow. The number of employers expecting to replace their core HR system...
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Strategy, as described in most text books, concerns value creation for a firm — defined as the creation of customer and economic value. Customer value must be achieved in order to capture economic value which enables the sustainability of the enterprise and the rewarding of investors. HR has aspired to be a “strategic” partner with...
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by Emma-Louise Elsey How focused are you? Do Interruptions Get in the Way of Achieving Your Tasks and Goals? How often do you get into a state of flow? You’re super-focused, you’re making fantastic progress and suddenly, you’re out. You’re interrupted. You pick up the phone to answer a call, you’re tempted by a “ting”...
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