

Fellow Member


Qualified members for this specific Membership category are defined only and exclusively by the Board of Directors based on the following basic criteria:

1. CyHRMA Full Member for 10 years

2. Contribution: Members in this category should have served as Members of the Board of Directors for at least 1 full term or have been Members of the Association’s Committees for at least 4 years with proven active participation.

Full Member

1. Holder of a University degree or/and postgraduate university degree in an HR-related field and three years of experience in a role within the HR field. The Board of Directors determines the HR-related fields in the Policy Manual.


2. Holder of any University degree and holder of an equivalent professional qualification which is provided by a National Association which is Member-Country of the World Federation of People Management Associations (www.wfpma.com) and three years of experience in a role within the HR field.


3. Holder of any University degree and 10 years of experience in a role within the HR field.

Associate Member

1. Holder of a University degree or/and postgraduate degree in an HR-related field. The Board of Directors determines the HR-related fields in the Policy Manual.


2. Holder of a University degree / postgraduate degree in the Business field such as Business Administration, Business Management etc and has at least 3 years of experience in Human Resources Management matters.


3. A person who holds a Line Management position (line manager) and handles, among other duties, Human Resource Management matters for at least 5 years.


4. A person who works in the Human Resource Management field for at least five years.

Student Member

Registered student in a University or other Tertiary Education Institution in Cyprus or abroad, in the Human Resources Management or Business field, having Human Resources Management related subjects as core/ major subjects or/and attends courses towards the award of an equivalent professional qualification which is provided by a National Association which is Member-Country of the World Federation of People Management Associations (www.wfpma.com).

Membership in this category may not be extended for longer than eight years. Those wishing to continue their membership with the Association should submit a new application to the Board of Directors.

Corporate Member

A registered Οrganisation or Business or Service of the private, semi-government or public sector that wishes to join with the Association through a representative who will participate in the various events, and to contribute to the attainment of the Association`s professional and scientific goals.

The exact number of representatives is defined by the Board of Directors based on the Policy Manual in relation to the Corporate Members’ number of employees.

The Corporate Member has the right to designate and/or substitute the individual who will act as its representative. The Corporate Member should notify the Association in writing before each event according to the Policy Manual.